Saturday, October 2, 2010

Daily Tips #1 WYD Global

Hello Wydians,
Now I will teach you on how to make a hardcore Character!!!

To make a HardCore Character you need:

-A god character 1 to 351  (will turn level 1) stats will be low because your god didnt do the god quest.
 -Ideal stone.
Right click it and there you have it your HC Char!
Whats the Good thing about Hardcore Chars?
-It have its own circlet called "Blast Armor" you need  100 fame and click the god government in noatun to upgrade it.
-Same as Celestials cape and same process of upgrading the ony difference is the design of their capes.
Whats the bad thing about you HC Char!
-When you die in a PK zone  you will turn into a lvl 1 TK. =((
But the good thing is your mortal TK can wear TK god set and god weapons. =))
Thats all for today!! thanks for viewing!!

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